If you have our other maps with scenarios follow this instruction Step 1. you need to transfer these files from this map cypress_flats.ymt east_los_santos.ymt la_mesa.ymt in cfx-nteam-mapdata > stream > ymt Step 2. Delete sp_manifest.ymt from cfx-nteam-river Step 3. Delete ymt folder from cfx-nteam-river > stream Step 4. In cfx-nteam-river open file fxmanifest and delete this lines file "sp_manifest.ymt" data_file "SCENARIO_POINTS_OVERRIDE_PSO_FILE" "sp_manifest.ymt" And thats it. ------------------------ Also if river scenario dont work that mean that your server read some other scenarios. So you need to transfer these files from this map cypress_flats.ymt east_los_santos.ymt la_mesa.ymt in your other map with scenarios that your server read.